prepared motions IVED ITB 2010

8 12 2009
Ni dia motion IVED 2010 ITB,diambil langsung dari indodebater,,tanpa editan…check it out….
Hi all!
In this e-mail, we’d like to release the PREPARED MOTIONS that we are going to release in ITB IVED 2010.
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Heading #1

land of America is found, fought for, and build into greatness by
refugees fleeing the tyrannical kingdom and oppressive European regimes
around after the 15th century; as well as those escaping the massive
expanse of war-atrocities of the World War II. The concept of freedom
is thus, as symbolized by the Statue of Liberty herself, is extremely
crucial in the constitutional definition of the American welfare. But
reality always mar the idyll dreams of freedom: limitations of freedom
always enter the fray, in the name of security, or equality, or
practical prudence; among other things.

1. THBT the US should favor the Senate’s version of universal health care.
THW repeal the American amendment permitting train passengers to travel
with handguns and/or other firearms as part of their checked luggage.
3. THW punish the enacter of Manhattan Declaration as perpetrators of hate crime under the Matthew Shepard Act.
Heading #2:
nation stand side-by-side with their neighbors. Along those imaginary
fence we call borders, many bullets are being tossed, many entries are
being stolen, many deals are sealed under the breath of
headline-winning smiles of perfectly-coiffed leaders. These three
motions inquire the analysis of the particular relationships across the
borders: which is for the better, which is for worse; and, most
importantly, which is which for which side of the fence?
1. THS the ICC
prosecution of war crimes in the Gaza Strip based on the Goldstone Commission Report.
2. THBT Cambodia should deport Thaksin back to Thailand.
3. TH regrets the Lisbon Treaty.

Heading #3:

Victorian-flavored ‘normality’ of appropriateness (many times,
religious appropriateness) , permeating so greatly within the larger
part of most modern society nowadays, is what Foucault describes as the
repressive hypothesis. Some groups clamor of how the enactment of
appropriateness through many forms of its constraining social toll
makes many youths lose some social qualities. But when deconstruction
is commenced, the question is always about which form is best for the
new order. In this case, how less Victorian should we treat the youth
in order to gain the most merit?

1. THBT more of New York’s Harvey Milk School should be established.
2. THW insert various alternatives of sexual conducts such as anal sex, mutual gratification, and masturbation, into the curriculum of sex-education.

3. THBT the calculus of Heaven and Hell should never be used to teach children about morality.
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We would kindly remind all participating teams and institutions to conduct a profound research
about the issues incorporated in each motion. This is especially
important in Australasians style (which is used in IVED); a style that
demands mastery of details and down-to-earth portrayal of your
arguments. Knowledge of data, statistics, real-life illustrations, all
gained through your respective research, will be extremely helpful to
build a solid case expected in IVED.
would also like to remind that in Australasians style, no
half-negations are allowed. Apart from that, philosophical points will
also be viewed very importantly.
as a disclaimer, IVED will consist of 6 (six) preliminary rounds and 4
(four) eliminary rounds. One heading will be released for each round,
which equals to 10 headings. The remaining 7 headings will be impromptu
motions and will not be informed in whatsoever way until 30 minutes
before the round starts.
We wish all teams the best of luck!
Adjudication Core of ITB
IVED 2010
Uphie – Freida – Novel – Vitri

moga2 dengan ini gk ada lg blogger or netter yg terkecoh oleh ‘keyword’ motion ived yg nyasar ke blog ku…


IVED 2009

18 02 2009

di debater halldi debater hall Read the rest of this entry »